Tuesday, November 23, 2010

On your Mark, Get Set... Shop

How many people are doing Black Friday shopping? I really don't ... (a shopaholic doesn't wait until Black Friday, but will participate, LOL). Last year I did go to Joann to get the Yudu (only used it once, still have it in the box).

Whats on your shopping list? What stores do you plan to hit??? What is that great sale item that you must get...

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Crafter or Collector

Hello Crafters or should I say Collectors? Its 10:30pm and I am in my craft room doing 20% of work and 80% of a lot of nothing... checking other blogs, cleaning (well a good attempt at it), listening to music (Pandora is great) a little wine drinking and cheese eating.

But as I look around I see a LOT of inventory... I think I went to the craft stores at least four times this WEEK... and at least three different stores. I do use the product I buy, but sometimes I feel like I am a collector... some of the stuff is just too pretty to use. LOL Do you ever feel like this?

Are you a crafter or a collector? Crafters my question to you is... what is your favorite product? How often do you use it? Collectors, what is your favorite product to collect and why?

Sunday, November 7, 2010

One of my NEW toys

Here are some pics of my NEW TOY...

Well I actually had this for a while now, but am just getting around to posting pics. I have played with it for about a month and am still impressed.

Sorry that the quality of the pics are not so good. I will be taking pictures of another toy I have so I hope to get better with the pictures.